Using Fills and Patterns

You can assign fills and patterns to both lines and the interiors of objects. The fill types are

In addition, you can

Filling Open Shapes

You can fill open objects after they are drawn. If you accidentally fill objects (for example, if they are part of a group), select the objects you do not want filled and left-click the No color button or click the Remove Interior Fill button .

Using Fills with Text

Some interior fills, such as hatch fills and object fills, have both a foreground and background color. Don't confuse this type of background color with the text background color that you set on Text tab on the Object Format dialog box.

If you have applied a hatch fill or object fill to text, clicking a color in the color palette with the left mouse button alone sets the foreground interior color. To set the background interior color, point to a color, press and hold SHIFT, and click the left mouse button.

Related Topics   

Selecting a Solid Color Fill

Using Gradient Fills

Using Hatch Fills

Using Image Fills

Using Object Fills

Filling Several Objects with a Continuous Fill

Using Fill Options

Masking Objects